Ferenczi Dialogues at The Freud Museum London

Symposium and book launch of ‘Ferenczi Dialogues: On Trauma and Catastrophe’, with authors Raluca Soreanu, Jakob Staberg, Jenny Willner, at The Freud Museum, on July 7, 6pm to 8:30pm.

A symposium and book launch dedicated to the volume Ferenczi Dialogues: On Trauma and Catastrophe (Leuven University Press, 2023), by Raluca SoreanuJakob Staberg, and Jenny Willner. To mark Sándor Ferenczi’s 150th birthday, on July 7 the three authors will be in conversation with cultural theorists, psychoanalysts and the audience on Ferenczi’s contemporary relevance for psychoanalysis and social theory. We will celebrate Ferenczi’s birthday, while thinking through his enduring voice. This event will also mark the acquisition of the Sandor Ferenczi’s Archives at the Freud Museum.

With the participation and commentaries by: Lisa Baraitser, Antal Bókay, Ana Minozzo and Ana Tomcic.

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COMADRES Launch Event: A Free Clinic for Latin-American Womxn in London

On Saturday, May 27th 2023, 3pm and 6pm, London, the Psychosis Therapy Project and USEMI Racial Trauma Clinic are organising the launch of COMADRES, a free therapeutic service for Latin-American Womxn in London, in alliance with FREEPSY, and with psychoanalyst Patricia Gherovici as guest speaker. 

COMADRES is a free clinic for Latin-American Womxn in London, with a specialist team of Spanish and Portuguese speaking therapists. The launch brings together mental health professionals, grassroots organisations, and members of the Latin-American community to celebrate COMADRES. There is an increased demand for therapeutic support in the Latin-American community. In response to this, COMADRES offers free support to women with experiences of trauma, violence, and migration across London. Socio-economic precarity, domestic abuse, language and immigration hurdles are other common features in the experiences of the women they target.

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‘Schizoanalysis and Feminism’ online seminar, Monday, 24th of April run by Ana Minozzo

Our postdoctoral researcher Ana Minozzo will be taking part in this open series hosted by a Brazilian research lab. She will run the session on ‘Schizoanalysis and Feminism’ on Monday, 24th of April, at 7pm Brasília time and 11pm BST,  online.

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International Sándor Ferenczi Network: Raluca Soreanu in conversation with Adrienne Harris, Jakob Staberg and Jenny Willner

On Saturday, April 1st 2023, at 5pm London time and 12pm New York time, the International Sándor Ferenczi Network (ISFN) will host a conversation dedicated to the recently published book Ferenczi Dialogues: On Trauma and Catastrophe (Leuven University Press, 2023). The authors, Raluca Soreanu, Jakob Staberg, and Jenny Willner, will be in conversation with Adrienne Harris. 

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The FREEPSY Project has launched!

On the evening of February 25th, 2023, at The Freud Museum, we launched FREEPSY, a five-year interdisciplinary research project based at the University of Essex, in the company of around 60 guests in person, and 50 guests online, joining us from all over the world. 

The event brought together psychoanalysts, scholars and students, supervisors and trainees, those working in the NHS, the Third Sector, and in autonomous psychoanalytic free clinics collectives.

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