‘Schizoanalysis and Feminism’ online seminar, Monday, 24th of April run by Ana Minozzo

Our postdoctoral researcher Ana Minozzo will be taking part in this open series hosted by a Brazilian research lab. She will run the session on ‘Schizoanalysis and Feminism’ on Monday, 24th of April, at 7pm Brasília time and 11pm BST,  online.

This is part of a year-long programme on the ‘Epistemological Foundations of Schizoanalysis and its actuality’ hosted by Assemblage in Brazil.  Amongst the presenters is also our FREEPSY close-ally from Margens Clínicas, Dr Kwame Yonatan, and several scholars and practitioners from Brazil, of different generations and approaches to the work of Deleuze and Guattari. Many of the researchers on this lab have written together the recently-published book ‘Psicanálise e Esquizoanálise: diferença e composição’ by n-1

To book your place follow the link.