The IAF project is titled ‘The Free Clinics Network: A Global Network for a Social Movement in the Making’ (January – June 2025)
This award is underpinned by substantive research of the FREEPSY collective.
The IAF project aims to contribute to the creation of a global Free Clinics Network, containing 200+ autonomous psychoanalytic collectives around the world offering free psychoanalysis. Though the substantive research done in the frame of FREEPSY, we observed that in the past decade free psychoanalytic collectives around the world have pluralised and intensified their practices: they enlarged their access, they started relating to other emancipatory movements, and began to relate to one another. In short, they started behaving as a new social movement in global mental health.
The Free Clinics Network is a systematic creative mapping of free clinics globally, which will create: (1) a directory of 200+ free clinics collectives; (2) creative searchable visualisations of the free clinics network, usable by both clinicians and patients, thus enlarging access; (3) active forms of network-organising (workshops) which will allow the members of the network to create new ties and exchange knowledge.
In this context, Raluca Soreanu and the FREEPSY collective will work with Gabriel Tupinambá, Harriet Mossop, Hugo Coria and Susana Caló to achieve the projects’ goals.

*Related publications:
Soreanu, R., & Minozzo, A. (2024). Manifesto for infrastructural thinking: Living with psychoanalysis in a glitch. Psychoanalysis, Culture & Society, 29(3), 1-20.
Ffytche, M., Ryan, J., & Soreanu, R. (2022). Psychoanalysis for the People: Interrogations and Innovations. Psychoanalysis and History, 24(3), 253-267.
Minozzo, A., & Soreanu, R. (2024). On the Mental Health Commons: Brazilian Free Psychoanalytic Clinics and an Ethics of Togetherness. Critical Times, 7(3), 423-447.