Midlands Conference In Critical Thought. 5-6th April 2024. Call for Papers, deadline 6th December 2023

We are delighted to invite you to join our collective stream on the theme of “Mental Health Commons: Fantasy, Utopia and Infrastructure”, which will be a part of the upcoming Midlands Conference of Critical Thought being held at Nottingham Trent University on April 4th and  5th 2024.

The FREEPSY team will be hosting this discussion and we are keen to hear from colleagues from across the world, scholars, clinicians or activists. Invited topics  on our stream include but are not limited to: 

– Mental health commons: theory and cases 

– Infrastructural thinking and infrastructural practice in mental health 

– Radical care for psychosis: theory and sites 

– Anti-psychiatry initiatives: theory and experiments 

– Therapeutic communities: models of care and radical practice 

– Psychoanalytic free clinics and changes of psychoanalytic dispositif 

– Race, class and marginality in mental health commoning 

– Utopias of mental health 

– Ethnographies in the radical mental health care field, especially psychosocial ethnographies

Please browse the attached CFP file, for further information and to have a look at the other streams happening at the event too. 

The deadline for Paper submissions is Wednesday December 6th 2023. Abstracts to be submitted via word and should not exceed 500 words and should be sent to: midlandscritical@gmail.com

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions and we will look forward to hearing from you about your work! Email us: freepsy@essex.ac.uk

Warmest wishes,


Author: freepsy